
During an IM chat just a minute ago: “Just from looks he’s attractive… live he comes off as a bit of a cute dork… but that may just be because you discombobulate him so.”

The above is in reference to a guy who popped into my life last year. The story is done, printed, and shelved away to collect dust. However, the times when I do see him on the shelves, he is as my friend said above: discombobulated.

I’m his slick-man kryptonite. He stutters. He talks about ear wax. He recites poetry. Sometimes, he even attempts to sing. It’s quite charming actually.


People talk about nerds, and how they’re the latest hotties on the lust totem pole. Is that really it, or is it just that we’re noticing the bits of “cool” in them now? I mean, I totally wouldn’t go for a McLovin’ sort of guy, but I’m all over Michael Cera. Someone like Seth Rogen is all sorts of popular because he looks like he’d be funner-than-hell to hang out with.

Me, I want someone cool who has geeky aspects, or a geek who knows how to be cool. It’s the whole Michael Carrington phenomenon. He wasn’t just irresistible to Stephanie Zinone because he was a Cool Rider. It was also because he had the depth that the rest of the T-Birds didn’t. He had the brains, the looks, the cool, and also the drive to merge them all together.

So maybe this is the secret to it all — a good balance of both leads to perfection.

But mix a mixture of the above with some discombobulation, and I’m a goner.

2 Responses

  1. You totally want a cool rider.

    I can still sing that song from memory. ::hangs head in shame::

  2. Now THAT is what we should have played in the car.

    And darling, it’s nothing to be ashamed of.

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